20 tháng 7, 2016

For democracy's sake:

The White House, WashingtonDaily newsletter to you
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Follow Along: Today's Schedule
All times are Eastern Time (ET)

3:45 pm: The President meets with Attorney General Lynch and FBI Director Comey
4:45 pm: The President meets with Secretary of Defense Carter
President Obama Writes in the Wall Street Journal: "Merrick Garland Deserves a Vote -- For Democracy's Sake"
"Now we need Congress to act. We need senators to demonstrate that, once again, America has the capacity to rise above disagreements and maintain a fidelity to the values that, for 240 years, have made this extraordinary experiment a success. That's what the American people deserve -- and it's what makes ours the greatest country the world has ever known." -- President Obama align

The President with Merrick Garland

More from 1600 Penn 

 Read President Obama's Open Letter to America's Law Enforcement Community

President Obama speaks about the shootings in Baton Rouge.

In the wake of the tragedies in Dallas and Baton Rouge, President Obama penned a letter to the men and women of America's law enforcement community. The President's letter was shared with officers around the country.
Here is an excerpt of the President's letter:
To the brave members of our Nation's law enforcement community:
Every day, you confront danger so it does not find our families, carry burdens so they do not fall to us, and courageously meet test after test to keep us safe. Like Dallas officer Lorne Ahrens, who bought dinner for a homeless man the night before he died, you perform good deeds beyond the call of duty and out of the spotlight. Time and again, you make the split-second decisions that could mean life or death for you and many others in harm's way. You endure the tense minutes and long hours over lifetimes of service.
Every day, you accept this responsibility and you see your colleagues do their difficult, dangerous jobs with equal valor. I want you to know that the American people see it, too. We recognize it, we respect it, we appreciate it, and we depend on you. And just as your tight-knit law enforcement family feels the recent losses to your core, our Nation grieves alongside you. Any attack on police is an unjustified attack on all of us.
And here's an excerpt from what the National Fraternal Order of Police said about the letter on Facebook:
The reason this letter has value is that we want and deserve to change the National Dialogue. The people of this country respect law enforcement. Now we continue to speak out about the issues that have helped create disconnects with members of the communities to work so hard to protect.
"This story is quintessentially American: Looking out for one another. The belief that nobody should be left behind. This shouldn't just be a creed for our soldiers-it should be a creed for all of us." -- President Obama honoring Charles Kettles for his heroism in saving 44 Americans.

President Obama awards the nation's highest military decoration to retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Charles Kettles.

Quote of the Day
"Every day, you confront danger so it does not find our families ... We recognize it, we respect it, we appreciate it, and we depend on you."

President Obama in his open letter to America's law enforcement community
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