4 tháng 1, 2018

Who America stands with

The White House to you
Thursday, January 04, 2018

Who America stands with In the final days of 2017, the biggest anti-government protests in Iran since 2009 broke out. Demonstrations have now spread to at least 20 cities across the country.
“Years of mismanagement, corruption, and foreign adventurism have eroded the Iranian people’s trust in their leaders,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said. “The Iranian regime spends its people’s wealth on spreading militancy and terror abroad, rather than ensuring prosperity at home.”
US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley delivered a clear message at the UN yesterday, warning the international body that it cannot afford to repeat the mistake it made in 2009 by staying quiet.
“We must not be silent. The people of Iran are crying out for freedom.” See what Ambassador Haley told the UN.
The forgotten American idea
James Pinkerton—co-chair of the bipartisan RATE Coalition, which stands for “Reforming America’s Taxes Equitably”—weighed in on the Republican Tax Cuts Act over the weekend in an op-ed for The Hill.
Pinkerton’s thesis? In polarized times, it’s easy to let partisan instincts cloud what should be a bipartisan consensus. “It should not be forgotten that the idea of using lower tax rates to stimulate growth is not just a Republican idea—it’s an American idea,” he writes.
“The soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now.” Those words didn't come from President Donald J. Trump—or even President Ronald Reagan.
They are from Democratic President John F. Kennedy.
Read Pinkerton’s bipartisan case for tax cuts.
Looking back on year one of #MAGA
As President Trump and his Administration dive into a long list of priorities for 2018, it’s worth looking back on how far America has come in just one year.
  • $5.5 trillion in tax cuts, 60 percent of which go to families
  • The lowest unemployment rate in nearly 17 years
  • 22 regulations eliminated for each new one enacted
  • A record-setting 12 conservative federal circuit judges confirmed
And that list barely scratches the surface. See the full year one breakdown here.

President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and Republican Legislators celebrate the passage of the Tax Cuts Act | December 20, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)
Today, President Trump will have lunch with Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Secretary of Defense James Mattis.
The Vice President will participate in a swearing-in ceremony for Alabama’s Senator-elect Doug Jones and Minnesota’s Senator-designate Tina Smith at the U.S. Capitol.

* Bài viết này được cho xuất bản của Nhà Trắng, nhưng không nhất thiết phản ánh quan điểm hay lập trường của tôi.
* The article was published of the White House, but did not necessarily reflect the views or positions of my.
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