12 tháng 6, 2018

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ‘Optimistic’ Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un Summit Will Set 'Framework' for Denuclearization

The White House to you
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ‘Optimistic’ Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un Summit Will Set 'Framework' for Denuclearization
“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo briefed reporters Monday morning in Singapore to give an update on preparations for President Donald Trump's historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Pompeo said he was ‘very optimistic’ that the two leaders would be able to lay the ‘framework’ of a plan to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula,” CBS News reports. “President Trump is going into this meeting with confidence, a positive attitude, and eagerness for real progress,” Secretary Pompeo said. Click here to read more.
“Our nation is facing a severe epidemic: opioid abuse and overdose. This is the public health crisis of our time,” writes Robert R. Redfield, Director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “As I begin my work as Director of the [CDC], it is time once again to direct our collective national scientific focus and energies to overcome this new deadly public health crisis.”
Former President Obama's ambassador to Singapore, Kirk Wagar, said today that he “supports the Trump administration's historic talks with North Korea,” Anna Giaritelli reports for the Washington Examiner. Ambassador Wagar says that the summit between President Trump and the North Korean leader is “a very good thing” and will be a “unique moment.”
In The Washington Times, Stephen Moore writes that “the left is quickly running out of excuses for why President Trump’s economic policies have caused a boom — rather than the bust they predicted with such great certainty.”
“Our national debt is a national crisis and we finally have a president who is not afraid to make decisions that both preserve the integrity of these programs while cutting out waste, fraud and abuse,” Corey Lewandowski argues in The Hill. “President Trump will do the right thing and move forward with ideas that make sense for the American people.”

* Bài viết này được cho xuất bản của Nhà Trắng, nhưng không nhất thiết phản ánh quan điểm hay lập trường của tôi.
* The article was published of the White House, but did not necessarily reflect the views or positions of my.
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