9 tháng 6, 2018

A raw, unfiltered look at the 'Crisis Next Door'

The White House to you
Saturday, June 09, 2018

The White House • June 8, 2018

The Day Ahead 
 President Donald J. Trump travels to Quebec, Canada, to participate in the 44th G-7 Summit with American allies.
A raw, unfiltered look at the 'Crisis Next Door' 
  "I thought I had it under control. I didn't know it would be this addictive," Kyle said. "I didn't know how far I'd go to get more."
Kyle is a young man from Dallas, Texas. His story is one of four videos unveiled yesterday by the Trump Administration as part of a joint public awareness campaign on opioid addiction. The ads were produced in partnership with the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Ad Council, and the Truth Initiative. The goal is to show young adults how destructive an opioid addiction can become.
Each video features a true story of different young adults that go to extreme measures to get access to a prescription. Highly addictive drugs can have this effect, particularly on young people. According to the Truth Initiative, an opioid addiction can take hold in as little as five days.
These ads will be the first of many from the White House. "There are many, many facets to the opioid crisis, all requiring varied and unique solutions," said Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, who is leading the White House opioids effort.
Go deeper: President Trump is taking action to stop youth opioid abuse 
President Trump prepares to meet Kim Jong Un 
Tomorrow, President Trump travels to Singapore to prepare for his meeting early next week with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The President's trip comes following last week's White House visit from North Korean Vice Chairman Kim Yong Chol, who delivered a letter from Kim to President Trump.
"The United States and North Korea have been holding direct talks in preparation for a summit, and North Korea has confirmed to us its willingness to denuclearize," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters yesterday. "The fact that our two leaders are coming to the table shows that the two sides are very serious."
America has taken a new approach to diplomacy under President Trump, embracing the Reagan model of "peace through strength" while acknowledging the repeated failures of appeasement. "The diplomatic model we've used to date is different from past efforts. Our efforts give us hope that we can find real success where past efforts have fallen short," Secretary Pompeo said.
Watch Secretary Pompeo's update on the North Korea summit.
Photo of the Day
Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian               
President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan | June 8, 2018

* Bài viết này được cho xuất bản của Nhà Trắng, nhưng không nhất thiết phản ánh quan điểm hay lập trường của tôi.
* The article was published of the White House, but did not necessarily reflect the views or positions of my.
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