13 tháng 10, 2018

A busy day at the White House

The White House to you
Friday, October 12, 2018

1600 daily
President Trump’s actions on Hurricane Michael 
As the remnants of Hurricane Michael move across the Carolinas and Virginia, President Donald J. Trump’s focus remains on Federal support for local and state responders across the Southeastern United States.
In the past 24 hours, the President approved an emergency declaration for Georgia and a major disaster declaration for Florida. These moves grant FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security greater latitude to mobilize the equipment and resources necessary to assist in recovery efforts in the days and weeks ahead.  
“We will do everything in our power to help those in need,” President Trump said today. “And we will not rest or waver until the job is done and the recovery is complete.”
Get up-to-date information on the federal response to Hurricane Michael.
A busy day at the White House 
Now 629 days since his Inauguration, President Trump continues to fight hard for the American people day in and day out. To give you an inside look at just one day’s schedule at the White House:
  • Common sense reform for our music industry: President Trump signed long-awaited legislation this morning to fix outdated American music laws. The Orrin G. Hatch–Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act has gained widespread support throughout the industry, expected to benefit songwriters, artists, and fans alike. Through a simplified licensing system, songwriters will finally be paid the royalties they deserve. Watch today’s signing ceremony.
  • The Save our Seas Act of 2018: Each year, countries the world over are responsible for dumping more than 8 million tons of garbage into our oceans. This trash and debris is not only harmful to the world’s marine life—it disrupts our fishermen and coastal economies, as well. President Trump signed legislation today to reauthorize and strengthen the Marine Debris Program.
  • Ending the scourge of human trafficking: The Trump Administration is fighting to end the scourge of human trafficking, also known as modern-day slavery. Today, the President met with his Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF), a Cabinet-level entity consisting of 15 departments and agencies. The Administration is taking the fight to all fronts, and the results are piling up: Last year, the Department of Justice secured convictions against nearly 500 defendants, and the FBI dismantled 42 criminal enterprises engaged in child sex trafficking. Learn more about President Trump’s fight to end this horrific practice
  • Unprecedented access to journalists: “President Trump, already the most media-accessible president in memory, is talking to journalists almost nonstop as his successes pile up ahead of the midterm elections,” Dave Boyer of The Washington Times writes. See excerpts from the President’s phone interview this morning with Fox & Friends.
Video of the day
President Trump hosted some special guests at the White House today. In addition to numerous artists joining the President for the signing of the Music Modernization Act, legendary Hall of Fame running back Jim Brown and rapper Kanye West visited the Oval Office to discuss prison reform and a range of other cultural and policy issues.
Photo of the Day
Photo of the Day
Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian
President Donald J. Trump, joined by reporters, meets with Kanye West and NFL Hall of Famer Jim Brown in the Oval Office | October 11, 2018  
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The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111
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