10 tháng 10, 2018

Justice Kavanaugh Could Have Big Impact Early on Supreme Court

The White House to you
Wednesday, October 10,  2018

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Justice Kavanaugh Could Have Big Impact Early on Supreme Court
Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, who was sworn in as America’s 114th Justice at a White House ceremony last night, “will hear oral arguments at the high court for the first time Tuesday in cases dealing with criminal matters where his vote is expected to have a big impact,” Alex Swoyer reports for The Washington Times. “He has taken the seat of retired Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, who was viewed as the court’s swing vote between the other four Republican-appointed justices and the four more liberal members of the court.” Click here to read more.

“New Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh has made good on his pledge to hire women to serve as his law clerks, becoming the first justice to have an all-female staff,” Robert Barnes writes in
The Washington Post. “Kavanaugh said during his Senate confirmation hearings that he has made a special effort to hire women after reading a story years ago about the unequal balance between men and woman hired for prestigious clerkships at the Supreme Court and for other federal judges.”

After Justice Kavanaugh received the judicial oath from retired Justice Kennedy last night, he said that the Senate confirmation process had tested him “but did not change me,”  Dave Boyer writes in The Washington Times. “My approach to judging remains the same,” Justice Kavanaugh said. “A good judge must be an umpire, a neutral and impartial decider. A judge must interpret the law, not make the law.”

“Americans are paying more to cover the costs of illegal immigrants having children in the United States than Congress plans to give President Trump in border wall funding this year, according to an explosive new analysis of Census Bureau data,” Paul Bedard reports in the Washington Examiner. “The new report reveals that women in the United States illegally had 297,000 children in 2014 at a cost of $2.4 billion. That is $800 million more than the Senate has approved for Trump’s border wall this year and enough to pay for the wall over 10 years.”
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