12 tháng 10, 2018

Hurricane Michael makes landfall

The White House to you
Friday, October 12, 2018

1600 daily
Hurricane Michael makes landfall 
As Hurricane Michael moves across Northwest Florida and affects Americans in Georgia and Alabama, the Trump Administration wants every person in the storm’s path to take shelter, stay safe, and heed all warnings from local and state officials.
Yesterday, President Trump declared a state of emergency for Florida, authorizing the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA to coordinate all disaster relief efforts and provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures. Specifically, FEMA is authorized at its discretion to identify, mobilize, and provide all equipment and resources necessary to alleviate suffering from the storm.   
“Federal resources are on the ground at every level,” President Trump said today.
Earlier this afternoon, the President joined Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and FEMA Administrator Brock Long in the Oval Office for a briefing on the storm’s expected impact. When Hurricane Michael made landfall today, it registered as a powerful category 4 storm, on the verge of historic category 5 strength.
Get up-to-date information on the federal response to Hurricane Michael.
Watch: President Trump’s statement from this afternoon
President Trump signs legislation to help patients save on prescription drugs
Today, President Trump delivered on common-sense reform to prescription drug pricing, making good on a core promise from his 2016 campaign.
“Gag clauses” have long prevented pharmacists from telling patients when they could save money on medications by paying out of pocket instead of relying on their insurance. By signing the Know the Lowest Price Act and the Patient Right to Know Drug Prices Act this afternoon, President Trump is putting an end to these gag clauses for patients on either Medicare or private plans.
Lowering drug prices has been a priority of the Trump Administration since day one. For example, the Food and Drug Administration approved the most generic drug applications ever last year—saving patients an estimated $8.8 billion in 2017 alone.
In stark contrast to the President’s patient-centered approach, Democrats are going even further than Obamacare, pushing yet another radical agenda on healthcare. “Medicare for All” is the slogan, but as usual, the fine print reveals how these proposals will take away benefits seniors have paid into their whole lives:
  • “Medicare for All” comes with a $32 trillion dollar price-tag. Even doubling taxes wouldn’t be enough to pay for this astonishing cost.
  • Supporters of “Medicare for All” would have no choice but to cut benefits, raise economy-crippling taxes—or both—to cover the massive cost.
  • Many seniors would lose access to their favorite doctors and face long lines for appointments and procedures.
  • Medicare Advantage plans would be eliminated, leaving millions of vulnerable seniors with nowhere to go.
Get the facts on how President Trump puts American patients first
Watch: Today’s signing ceremony at the White House
Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day
Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
President Donald J. Trump and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen listen as FEMA Administrator Brock Long addresses reporters in the Oval Office | October 10, 2018
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