24 tháng 10, 2018

Socialism belongs in the dustbin of history

The White House to you
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

1600 daily

Socialism belongs in the dustbin of history 

With the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birth, socialism is making a comeback in America. Democrats used to accuse Republicans of fear-mongering when they called out certain far-left policy ideas as “socialist.” Now, a growing number of Democrats are wearing the label as a badge of honor.
American socialists may imagine their proposals mirror those in Northern European countries such as Sweden and Norway. In reality, ideas along the lines of “Medicare for All” have more in common with economists’ traditional definition of socialism. The record of countries who have experimented with those types of command-and-control systems is devastating: Maoist China, the Soviet Union, and Venezuela among them.Something to share: Socialism has a long legacy of failure across the world.
The sky-high taxes needed to fund “Medicare for All” alone, for example, would lead to a staggering $17,000 drop in household incomes after taxes and healthcare expenditures—a 19 percent decline. Without taxing American workers, funding this radical plan would require cuts to half of the Federal budget, wrecking Medicaid, Social Security, and traditional Medicare in the process.
Socialist policies have failed across the world wherever they are tested. They have no place in the United States of America.
Get the facts: What Democrats will take from you to push their socialist agenda.
Full report: The true costs of socialism
The truth about America’s border crisis

Americans see reports daily about the caravan of Central American migrants headed for the U.S. border. As of yesterday, a United Nations official estimated that 7,200 individuals and counting have now joined its ranks.   
These numbers are stunning, but the latest immigration figures show a surge of family units and unaccompanied minors from Central America arriving in the United States illegally each day. Responding to catch-and-release loopholes, illegal immigration has shifted from primarily single adults from Mexico to family units and unaccompanied minors from Central America. 
By the numbers: Democrat-backed loopholes drive our border crisis 
Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian
President Donald J. Trump addresses State and local officials from Alaska, California, and Hawaii at the White House State Leadership Day in the South Court Auditorium | October 23, 2018  
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