23 tháng 10, 2018

Homeland Security Warns of Cartels’ Role in Migrant Caravan

The White House to you
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

West Wing Reads Logo

Homeland Security Warns of Cartels’ Role in Migrant Caravand 

“Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen warned Sunday that the illegal immigrant caravan heading toward the U.S. could be exploited by cartels that control most of the illegal flow of people through Latin America,” Stephen Dinan reports for The Washington Times. “While we closely monitor the caravan crisis, we must remain mindful of the transnational criminal organizations and other criminals that prey on the vulnerabilities of those undertaking the irregular migration journey,” Secretary Nielsen said in a statement. Click here to read more.

“As the massive migrant caravan pushes toward the southern U.S. border, a second group of about 1,000 people from Honduras is rushing to join the main group -- which reportedly has swelled its ranks with several people who've already been deported. The caravan, which has around 5,000 to 7,000 members, was on the move again Monday morning, departing the southern Mexico city of Tapachula,” Greg Norman reports in Fox News

“The United States, as we have said many times, cares for the Palestinian people and wants to help, but we will not empower a regime that launches attacks on Israeli kindergartens. The threats and violent behavior of Hamas prevent the international community from being able to ease the humanitarian situation in Gaza,” Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt writes in
The Jerusalem Post.

In The Hill, Mike Palicz writes that “President Trump’s commitment to creating an energy-dominant America continues to roll on at full speed,” with the United States passing Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world’s largest crude oil producer. “President Obama wrongly believed that creating an energy independent America required a drastic shift away from oil as a source of energy for Americans. It was the pursuit of this policy that for years hindered the growth of our nation’s energy sector.”

“White House senior adviser Ivanka Trump told the
Washington Examiner Friday the United States will only reach its full potential when women are ‘economically empowered,’” Anna Giaritelli writes. “This administration’s economic agenda is centered on growth and job creation and we recognize that only when women are economically empowered to thrive, will our families, our economies, and our societies reach their fullest potential,” Ms. Trump said.
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