8 tháng 11, 2018

Americans Aren’t Just Happy About the Economy

The White House to you
Thursday, November 08, 2018

West Wing Reads
Americans Aren’t Just Happy About the Economy

“The President elected two years ago to revive American prosperity is now presiding over an economic boom. The first two years of the Trump era have been so good that his predecessor has lately been barnstorming the country trying to persuade voters that we’re still living in the Obama era. It is the sincerest form of political flattery,” James Freeman writes in The Wall Street Journal.
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Republicans expanded their majority in the U.S. Senate in yesterday’s midterm elections, “riding a Trump train fueled by red-state enthusiasm,” David M. Drucker writes in the Washington Examiner : https://washex.am/2D8zShB. “Our president has made such a difference already, he’s energized the Republican Party again. It’s so exciting to see that happen and he’s making a difference all across the board,” one Tennessee voter said.

“The ratio of unemployed workers to open jobs hovered at a record low in September” according to the Department of Labor, Joseph Lawler reports for the Washington Examiner : https://washex.am/2RFxByp  . “There were 0.9 unemployed workers for every job vacancy listed in the month, a ratio the agency said was the lowest since it's been keeping track and that hasn't been recorded before this year.”

In CNBC : https://cnb.cx/2JNnWmP, Michael Sheetz writes that service-sector growth for October was strong and the economy remains hot. “The data release also came after ADP and Moody's Analytics reported [last] Wednesday better-than-expected payrolls creation for October. The two firms said . . . private companies added 227,000 payrolls last month.”

“Mexico launched a ‘Make Yourself at Home’ program, offering migrants shelter, food, work and schools for their kids. Most turned it down,” Betsy McCaughey in the New York Post : https://nyp.st/2F9qLzM. The reality is that most migrants in the caravan headed toward America’s border are in search of a lifestyle upgrade, not fleeing genuine violence or persecution.
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