21 tháng 11, 2018

Today, President Trump will pardon the National Thanksgiving Turkey

The White House to you
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

West Wing Reads

Feast Your Eyes on the Two Turkeys Appealing for Presidential Pardon 
“The midterms elections may have ended earlier this month but another election season is in full flight between the two turkeys vying to become this year’s official National Thanksgiving Turkey. This year’s candidates: Peas and Carrots,” Jordyn Phelps reports for ABC News.

“One of the two turkeys will be selected via an online White House poll to become this year's National Thanksgiving Turkey. The turkeys have been carefully groomed for a White House event, trained from a young age to be comfortable with lights, crowds, and music to make them comfortable in the limelight.”
Click here to continue reading.
Watch live at 1:05 p.m. ET: President Trump pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey

“It's time to deck the halls: The holiday season officially kicked off at the White House Monday when President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump received the 2018 White House Christmas tree,” Betsy Klein reports for CNN. “The tree arrived at the North Portico of the White House by jingle bell-adorned horse and carriage, continuing an annual tradition.”

“A remarkably low 13 percent are calling President Trump’s economy a problem as confidence is hitting a 14-year high, and seven in 10 said 2018 is a good time to find a quality job,” Paul Bedard reports for the
Washington Examiner. The new Gallup survey shows that economic confidence for November remains at its highest since 2004. “It has been nearly two decades since Americans have been as positive about the U.S. economy as they are now,” Gallup says.

“President Donald Trump is succeeding in making China pay most of the cost of his trade war,” Xiaoqing Pi writes for
Bloomberg. “Through its strategic choice of Chinese products, the U.S. government was not only able to minimize the negative effects on U.S. consumers and firms, but also to create substantial net welfare gains in the U.S.,” a new research paper from EconPol Europe says

“As many as 10,000 migrants are believed to be traveling with caravans from Central America to the United States with the hopes of entering the country, senior administration officials said Monday,” Anna Giaritelli writes for the
Washington Examiner. “Between 8,500 and 10,500 people are making their way from Northern Triangle countries El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to America’s southern border. About 6,000 have already made it to Tijuana, a city of 1.7 million residents that sits just over the border from San Diego, Calif.”
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