10 tháng 11, 2018

President Trump Moves to Limit Asylum Protections for Migrants Who Cross the Border Illegally

The White House to you
Saturday, November 10, 2018

West Wing Reads

President Trump Moves to Limit Asylum Protections for Migrants Who Cross the Border Illegally

President Donald J. Trump has signed a presidential Proclamation barring asylum protections for migrants who enter the U.S. illegally, Robert Donachie reports for the Washington Examiner.
“We want people to come into our country, but they have to come into the country legally,” the President said. America’s asylum system has been overwhelmed with meritless claims in an attempt to game the process, preventing U.S. officials from being able to expeditiously grant asylum to those who truly need it.
Click here to read more. 

In The Washington Times : https://bit.ly/2Dd9SSo, Ronald Kessler writes that “former President Obama has been claiming credit for the Trump economic boom, saying he paved the way for President Trump’s remarkable success. Not quite.” Kessler explains that President Obama in fact presided over the slowest recovery since the Great Depression. “Rather than paving the way for the Trump economic boom, the growth in quarterly gross domestic product actually slowed near the end of the Obama presidency.”

In The Washington Post : https://wapo.st/2Dffc7U  , American Enterprise Institute Fellow Marc Thiessen writes that Americans rejected the Democrats’ smear campaign against Justice Brett Kavanaugh in this week’s midterm elections. “The lesson for Democrats should be clear: Character assassination does not pay. Quite the opposite, it backfired — big-time.”

In The Hill : https://bit.ly/2SYKvsV  , economist Pinar Cebi Wilber argues that President Trump’s United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a no-brainer for Congress to approve. “The economic benefits of the United States’ participation as an energy trading partner with Canada and Mexico cannot be overstated,” she says. “Without a modernized agreement between the three countries in place, the future of the U.S. energy market would be much more uncertain.”
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• The article was published of the White House, but did not necessarily reflect the views or positions of my.
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