2 tháng 11, 2018

President Trump: Pledge for More Career Opportunities Helped 6 Million

The White House to you
Friday, November 02, 2018

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President Trump: Pledge for More Career Opportunities Helped 6 Million

“Four months after signing an executive order creating the National Council for the American Worker, President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that more than 160 companies and organizations have pledged to provide more than 6 million new career opportunities for Americans,” including apprenticeships, continuing education, on-the-job training, and reskilling, The Associated Press reports.
“This represents an enormous opportunity for us to think about making sure that every American worker is equipped with the skills they need,” Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump said from the State Dining Room yesterday.
Click here to read more.

“How can you tell whether the economy is truly surging under President Trump? Just listen as the Democrats try to take at least some credit for the current economic boom,” former executive Andy Puzder writes in Fox News : https://fxn.ws/2yK3UoW. “Let’s be clear: The economy is booming because President Trump reversed President Obama’s economic policies – not because Trump furthered the Obama policies.”

In RealClearPolitics : https://bit.ly/2EZ0RPr  , Kalev Leetaru writes that data on recent media coverage of political violence reveals President Trump is right: There is a clear double standard that must be addressed. “When a Sanders supporter and campaign volunteer opened fire on GOP members, the media quickly stopped mentioning the connection,” Leetaru writes. “Yet days before anything was known about last week’s bomber, the media had settled on Trump as the cause.”

“New applications for U.S. unemployment aid fell last week and the number of Americans receiving benefits was the lowest in more than 45 years,” Reuters: https://cnb.cx/2SE1aBF   reports. According to the Labor Department, initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 214,000 for last week.

“Since January 2017, the Trump administration’s expansive efforts to identify, prevent and combat opioid misuse among injured federal workers receiving workers’ compensation benefits have generated effective and compassionate solutions,” Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta writes in the Concord Monitor : https://bit.ly/2qqMmtf   . “This administration’s actions, including ours at the Department of Labor, have resulted in fewer injured federal employees using prescription opioids.”
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• The article was published of the White House, but did not necessarily reflect the views or positions of my.
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