9 tháng 11, 2018

President Trump Calls Mass Shooting at Club in Thousand Oaks, California, ‘Terrible,’ Says He's Been Briefed

The White House to you
Friday, November 09, 2018

West Wing Reads

President Trump Calls Mass Shooting at Club in Thousand Oaks, California, ‘Terrible,’ Says He's Been Briefed

“President Donald Trump responded to a mass shooting at a Southern California music club, calling it ‘terrible’ and saying he has been ‘fully briefed’ on the incident,” Cheyenne Haslett reports for ABC News. The President commended the “great bravery shown by police,” thanking law enforcement and asking that God bless all of the victims and their families following this horrible incident.
Click here to read more.   

“Brett Kavanaugh formally takes his seat as the 114th justice at the traditional investiture ceremony at the Supreme Court Thursday morning,” Nina Totenberg reports for NPR : https://n.pr/2QurP2F. “President Trump and first lady Melania Trump are scheduled to attend the ceremony.” On October 6, Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed by the U.S. Senate, and he began hearing arguments on October 9

In The Washington Post : https://wapo.st/2yWXJ0U  , Ed Rogers writes that by most measures, Republicans beat the odds of history and nearly everyone’s expectations for the 2018 midterms. “The instant analysis is clear: Democrats may have won the House, but Trump won the election.” President Trump and his allies “have an appeal that the elites in New York and Hollywood cannot dismiss or combat.”

“Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said Wednesday that this week's midterm elections were the ‘most secure’ the U.S. has ever seen,” Anna Giaritelli writes in the Washington Examiner : https://washex.am/2PM58cX. “Nielsen's department took the lead on election security in early 2017. That job included helping all 10,000 state and local jurisdictions prepare for Election Day.” Giaritelli adds that “DHS has not reported any mass fraudulent voting, amended vote counts, or abnormal disruptions in the nationwide vote.”
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