16 tháng 11, 2018

Standing up for veterans—during the National Anthem and beyond

The White House to you
Friday, November 16, 2018

1600 Daily
The White House • November 15, 2018 

President Trump takes a stand for veterans

President Donald J. Trump believes in standing up for America’s veterans—both during our National Anthem and through the care and support our Government provides them with each and every day.

“Together, we will honor those who defend us. We will cherish those who protect us. And we will celebrate the amazing heroes who keep America safe and strong and proud and free,” President Trump said today. “To every veteran and military family across our land, I want to express the eternal gratitude and thanks of our entire Nation.”

Earlier today, the President and First Lady Melania Trump visited the Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C., thanking service members and providing them with desserts in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday next week. The First Couple also spent time with the Marines who bravely responded to a building fire at the Arthur Senior Public Housing complex in Washington on September 19.

Later in the afternoon, President Trump hosted veterans and military families at the White House in celebration of National Veterans and Military Families Month. He took time during the event to explain his commitment to our country’s heroes:
  • In June, the President signed the VA MISSION Act, which unleashes the largest reform of the Veterans Affairs system in half a century.
  • Since Inauguration Day, the Trump Administration has prioritized accountability at the VA, removing more than 3,600 Government employees who weren't treating our veterans with the respect and care they deserve.
  • Programs at the VA and the Department of Housing and Urban Development have helped nearly 54,000 veterans find permanent housing—and thanks to a booming economy, veterans’ unemployment is near a two-decade low. 
 How President Trump is honoring the sacrifices of America’s veterans

Watch: The President and First Lady visit the Marine Barracks
The turkeys are coming! 
 Next week, President Trump will continue the time-honored White House tradition of officially pardoning the National Thanksgiving Turkey. Before he does, Americans will vote on which turkey he pardons.

Be the first to know when voting begins! 
Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visit with service members at the Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C.  | November 15, 2018
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